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Requests are stored directly on your file system as simple YAML files, suffixed with .posting.yaml - easy to read, understand, and version control!


Here's an example of what a request file looks like:

name: Create user
description: Adds a new user to the system.
method: POST
  content: |-
      "firstName": "John",
      "email": ""
- name: Content-Type
  value: application/json
- name: sendWelcomeEmail
  value: 'true'

Creating a new request

Press Ctrl+N to create a new request.

You'll be prompted to supply a name for the request. By default, this name is used to generate the filename, but you can also choose your own filename if you wish.


If you already have a collection loaded, the directory will be pre-selected based on the location of the cursor in the collection tree, so moving the cursor to the correct location before pressing Ctrl+N will save you from needing to type out the path.

Within the "Directory" field of this dialog, it's important to note that . refers to the currently loaded collection directory (that is, the directory that was loaded using the --collection option), and not necessarily the current working directory.

Saving a request

Press Ctrl+S to save the currently open request.

If you haven't saved the request yet, a dialog will appear, prompting you to give the request a name, and to select a directory to save it in.

If the request is already saved on disk, Ctrl+S will overwrite the previous version with your new changes.

Loading requests

Requests are stored on your file system as simple YAML files, suffixed with .posting.yaml.

A directory can be loaded into Posting using the --collection option, and all .posting.yaml files in that directory will be displayed in the sidebar.