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Posting can be navigated using either mouse or keyboard.

Jump mode

Jump mode is the fastest way to get around.

Press ctrl+o to enter jump mode, followed by the key corresponding to the widget you want to switch focus to (jump to).


With the default layout, the positioning of keys on the overlays is similar to the positioning of the keys on a QWERTY keyboard.

To exit jump mode, press esc.

Tab navigation

tab and shift+tab will move focus between widgets, and j/k/up/down will move around within a widget.

Some widgets have additional keybindings for navigation. You can check these by pressing f1 while it is focused.

Where it makes sense, up and down will also move between widgets.

Contextual help

Many widgets have additional bindings for navigation other than those displayed in the footer. You can view the full list of keybindings for the currently focused widget, as well as additional usage information and tips, by pressing f1 or ctrl+? (or ctrl+shift+/).

Automatic focus switching

You can use the focus.on_startup and focus.on_response configuration options to control which widget is focused when the app starts and when a response is received.

Config Default value Description
focus.on_startup "url", "method", "collection" (Default: "url") Automatically focus the URL bar, method, or collection browser when the app starts.
focus.on_response "body", "tabs" (Default: unset) Automatically focus the response tabs or response body text area when a response is received.


Quit Posting by pressing ctrl+c, or by opening the command palette and selecting "Quit".